You are a small Acorn in a big world, trying to find a suitable place to grow!

Use A and D to move left and right and avoid rocks.

Press R to restart level and press Q to return to the Menu.

All programming, art and music is made by me.


An Acorn 8.5 MB
Acorn 8.1 MB
Fall short.mp3 1.8 MB
An Acorn 8.3 MB
An Acorn 8.3 MB
An Acorn 8.5 MB
An Acorn 0.5.1 2.4 MB
An Acorn 8.5 MB


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This is a fun game and impressive for a three-day jam. I found it because I also just completed a jam, VimJam2, and I'm going through some game updates to publish an update before they announce the results Monday.

I searched for games that play in browser and were made with GameMaker Studio. Can I ask how you handled your game size? My executables will go full screen and maintain their aspect ration, but I can not figure out how to make HTML work in full screen switching. And I can't find documentation either.

Your game isn't fullscreen, but it's nice and large. Did you upscale every single sprite and the room in GMS before exporting, because I've thought of that, but it seems like a lot of work when there has to be a better solution.

I'd appreciate any feedback or help. Thank you, and again, great game.

my room is at like 128 acros

what you change is the veiw port size

sorry for the dry response i was quite busy at that time but yeah so in GMS2 in the room you use cameras and set the size of the cam to the same size as the zoom or whatever you want, and change the veiwport size :

No worries. The response was still helpful and I appreciate the brevity. The viewport fix is a good workaround (I used it on an update for my latest jam submission), but I’m going to try another resource for true HTML fullscreen.  I can let you know how it goes and share the code if you’re interested. 

the code for making it go fullscreen?

Yes. I think I found what I needed. I just haven’t tested it out yet. I wish it were as simple as clicking the box like it is for Windows and Mac builds, but HTML requires a little more work.

Changing the viewport worked great and was really easy to make my game play larger in browser, but I still want users to have the option of going completely full screen, no matter what size their screen is, same as if they were playing a downloaded version.

Soz i dont know how to do that either :/